
Handling Divorce Like a Boss, with Boss Mom Community Founder Dana Malstaff

by | Mar 21, 2021 | Podcast

She founded the wildly popular Boss Mom community. Her business continues to thrive and grow and affect the lives of thousands of women. Somewhere in there, she got divorced – but that didn’t throw her off course – it simply changed her and fueled her fire even more.

Dana Malstaff is a boss in every sense of the word, and in this episode, she’s sharing with us how she has handled her recent divorce and continued on thriving, despite the transition into a whole new life with two children in tow.

Dana Malstaff is the founder and CEO of Boss Mom, a community of passionate moms and entrepreneurs. Dana is a mother but also a brand and content strategist, podcaster, author, speaker and coach. Learn more about this amazing woman, here.