
Helping Divorced Parents

Put Their Children’s Needs First and Co-parent in the Healthiest Way Possible.

Navigate Your Divorce with confidence
become the best coparent
become a certifified coparenting coach

Hi, I’m

Michelle Dempsey-Multack.

If you’re here, it’s because you’re ready for something new. You’ve been awakened to the possibility of rediscovering yourself after divorce. You’re committed to co-parenting in a way that your children will be proud of one day. You’re inspired by your own bravery, and you’re ready for a powerful reinvention.

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Instant Amazon Best Seller

Every Divorcing Mom’s Bible

Trust your gut, take care of yourself, and find new life on the other side with this “straightforward” empowering guide to divorce for moms.

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Our Moms Moving On Community Get Results

1-on-1 Coaching

“Where do I begin. I came to Michelle a freaking hot mess, I may still be a little messy but it’s a work in progress. Michelle took the time to hear my story, to hear me. She heard my pain and listened. Sometimes when you are going through hard shit, you need someone that gets it. Having done years of counseling.. I still didn’t seem like I could find me. Michelle listened when I picked apart everything about myself and gave me new tools to change my perspective. It is a daily task but she gave me a shift in perspective. She cheered me on when I thought what I was doing… wasn’t enough. She brought to life things about me that I have been trying to figure out for years…things that I thought were just that way, were actually part of my past that needed to come back to life and I needed to find peace with. My moving on is not finished, but not only have I found a wealth of knowledge and a different perspective, I have found a friend who gets the hard shit. From the bottom of my heart I am forever thankful for my journey with Michelle”

Laura N, Oregon

Group Coaching

“Oh my god. I used to live in fear that my ex would completely destroy my relationship with my daughter because of his constant fighting with me and putting me down in front of her. Your workshop on protecting my child from a high-conflict spouse was LIFE CHANGING and I finally feel like I can breathe! Thank you!!!!”

Jen M, New York

Moving On Method: Divorce Coach Training

Being a part of this training was so powerful. Not only was I given tools to assist others and build my business, but I’ve been given the gift of being connected to incredible women all wanting to support other women. Thank you so much, Michelle. I feel so honoured to have been a part of your first group. Won’t ever forget it.

Tara, Canada

1-on-1 Coaching

Thank you for being there for me. Hiring you has been the best decision I’ve made.