A Note To You, Mama by Evelyn Mendal, LMHC

A Note To You, Mama by Evelyn Mendal, LMHC

Meet Evelyn Mendal, LMHC. She’s been my go-to for all things parenting, co-parenting, and managing my daughter’s behavior through it all. Evelyn has extensive experience in working with children from birth through age 5, and here she’s helping us quiet the mom guilt a bit.

When You Miss Your Kids

When You Miss Your Kids

Look, it’s unavoidable – you’re going to miss your kids. It’s a kind of pain that feels really unnatural in the beginning, so I put together these journal prompts for you to be able to sort through your feelings and look ahead, not back. Try them when you miss them and even when you feel you’re coping pretty well, and then compare your entries!

Prioritizing Your Co-Parenting Battles Checklist

Prioritizing Your Co-Parenting Battles Checklist

The secret to successful co-parenting is picking your battles carefully. Run through this checklist and get control of what’s worth fighting for, and what you’re okay letting go. Take your time on this and feel free to continue adding things as issues arise between you and your co-parent.