
Healing Proof

by | Sep 14, 2020 | Real Mama Stories

Written by Suzy Slane

I have 3 older children from my first marriage and 2 young children from the marriage I recently left for safety reasons. My first ex husband and his wife are incredible people. When I had nowhere to go, they hosted a Mother’s Day brunch in May at their house and invited me and my two littles over so that I could be with my oldest 3 kids on Mother’s Day, and a birthday dinner for one of our older son’s as well. My two youngest boys, who have no biological ties to them whatsoever, absolutely adore my first ex and literally ask to call him up or to go over to their house to play. 

But the one event that stands out the most in my mind was when one frantic day when I was packing up to leave (we had a few hours to get everything together), I cut my hand open when I was cutting open boxes. I instantly knew it was bad, and told my 6 year old son to get my phone. He brought it to me and I called my first ex, who told me to bring the boys over to his house and he will watch them while I go to the hospital. When I got there, he came outside with tape and bandages and wrapped up my hand so that I could contain the bleeding while driving and waiting to be seen. 

He and his wife are a true example of grace, kindness, and love and when I struggle with resentment in my current situation I look down at the scar on my hand and think back to that moment and have hope for healing. 

-Suzy Slane-